Bernoulli's Equation

The derivation of Bernoulli’s equation involves the principle of conservation of energy. Consider the fluid flow in pipeline a closed system, total energy at the upstream is the same as any point at the downstream, including the energy losses along the flow length. The energy at any point in pipeline is described using heads: pressure, velocity and elevation. Using Bernoulli’s equation, we can develop energy grade line (EGL) and hydraulic grade line (HGL). EGL is the sum of all heads, while HGL is the sum of only pressure head and elevation head. These lines visualize the change in head along the flow.

The following introduces the Bernoulli's equation. Watch the video above for full details.
Bernoulli's equation and formula for major head loss.
Energy grade line (EGL) and hydraulic grade line (HGL)
Calculation of pressure head, velocity head, elevation head and head loss for all points along the pipeline.
EGL and HGL determined for the water supply system. Small difference between EGL and HGL is due to small velocity head.

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