Moment Distribution for Continuous Beam

Generally, a moment distribution method consists of the following steps:

1. Establish internal moment convention
2. Determination of member stiffness, k
3. Determination of moment distribution factor, DF from one end of member to the opposite
4. Determination of FEM
5. Distribution of moment applied on one node to adjacent members
6. Carry over the moment from one end of member to another end

This video shows the moment distribution procedure for a continuous beam.

The following introduces the solution of continuous beam using moment distribution method. Watch the video above for full details.
Beam overview
Calculation of member stiffness, distribution factor and FEM
Construction of moment distribution table
Breakdown of distribution step - 1
Breakdown of distribution step - 2
Breakdown of distribution step - 3
Moment distribution table after first iteration
Carry over moment calculation
Moment distribution table after fourth iteration
Solution for internal moments

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