Moment Distribution for Symmetrical Frame

A symmetrical structure can be simplified by cutting it into half prior to analysis. In this case, only halve of the structure needs to be is considered. In relation to this, the stiffness calculation for the middle cut member is modified so that it is equivalent to half of the original stiffness. 

By bearing this in mind, we are good to conduct moment distribution with the following steps:

1. Establish internal moment convention
2. Determination of member stiffness, k
3. Determination of moment distribution factor, DF from one end of member to the opposite
4. Determination of FEM
5. Distribution of moment applied on one node to adjacent members
6. Carry over the moment from one end of member to another end

The following introduces the solution of symmetrical frame using moment distribution method. Watch the video above for full details.

Frame overview
Convention for internal moments
Calculation of stiffness, distribution factor and FEM
Moment distribution and solution for internal moments

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