Equivalent force method determines the tendon forces and apply them directly to the grillage model. The forces and moment due to tendon are applied…
Read moreConsidering an undamped SDOF system subjected to free vibration. From this situation, we can determine the natural frequency of the system, and corre…
Read morePrestress analysis starts with the tendon force calculation, and based on the results the primary and secondary effects are determined. Primary eff…
Read moreTraditionally, loadings and long-term effects are separately defined to determine longitudinal and transverse design. In relation to this, grillage m…
Read moreThe components of dynamic system generate resisting force against external dynamic force. Each of them is correlated with one structural response: …
Read morePrecast segmental construction is more economic than in situ construction as thinner deck section is possible. The reinforcement in precast segment…
Read moreThe contributors of bridge cost are: Ground condition Site location Design Site constraints Labour and material costs To achieve economic…
Read moreDamping component dissipates the energy enter into the structural system via work done on it. There are several factors that produce structural dampi…
Read morePost-tensioned tendons can be placed either internally or externally. Internal tendons are those located within the concrete section after casting.…
Read moreSpan arrangement is governed by the nature of obstruction. Minimum span length and clearance height are dictated by the requirement of the road, ra…
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