Bridge-Stress Check

Longitudinal stress in concrete deck varies throughout its design life. It is necessary to ensure the stress in concrete does not exceed the allowable limit.

For example, even when the concrete section is compressed under permanent load and normal live load, tensile stress of 2MPa to 3MPa is allowable to account for unusual loading or temperature effect.

Specific requirements may apply based on the configuration and connection of bridge deck.

For precast segmental construction with match-cast joints where the longitudinal reinforcement is not continuous, all the joints shall be in compression under all loading conditions, during both construction and operation stage.

For precast construction, when the elements are connected using plain concrete or mortar infill, minimum compressive stress of 1.5MPa is required to ensure the joints remain intact.

When flanged beam is subjected to high shear, the stress distribution across the flange becomes non-uniform. This phenomenon is known as shear lag, where the stresses in flanges are higher over the webs.

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