Introduction to Precipitation

Precipitation includes all forms of water that are being transported from the atmosphere to the earth. There are several common forms for precipitation, such as rain, snow and hail.

Rainfall is quantitatively measured as the depth of rainwater over a catchment area. It is measured using rain gauge, which can be further categorized into recording and non-recording gauges. Some examples of recording gauge are tipping-bucket, weighing-bucket and natural-syphon. An example of non-recording gauge is Symon’s gauge.

The measurement of snow is expressed as water equivalent, defined as the amount of water produced after the melting of a unit of snow. It can be measured using either snow gauges or snow tubes.

The following shows the key points regarding the definition of precipitation and its measurement. Watch the video above for full details.

Forms and conditions for precipitation
Placement of rain gauge
Types of rain gauge
Measurement of snowfall

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