Max Intensity-Duration Relationship

Rainfall mass curve prepared by a gauge station can be useful for us to find the correlation between maximum intensity and storm duration.

First, we need to determine timesteps, which represent different storm duration. Then, for each timestep, we should determine the incremental rainfall depth at all instances. The maximum depth is noted and regarded as the maximum rainfall depth for respective storm duration. Intensity can be calculated by dividing that maximum depth with the storm duration.

We may fit the maximum intensity-duration curve using Sherman formula. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using Microsoft Excel. After producing the curve using scatter plot, we can add a power trendline and explore the curve function.

The following shows the steps to determine the maximum intensity-duration relationship for a storm event. Watch the video above for full details.

Data extraction from rainfall mass curve
Steps to calculate incremental depth for a storm duration
Completed table with maximum rainfall depth for all storm durations
Maximum depth-duration and intensity-duration relationships

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