We have prepared this info sheet to aid you in concrete mix design.
This sheet demonstrates the concrete mix design as per BS DoE method.
It is a five-stage procedure that guides engineer to determine the content of cement, water and aggregate, to ensure the designed mix fulfils both strength and workability requirements.
Here we present an info sheet that shows a worked example for concrete mix design using BS DoE method.
This is a simple example that starts by determining the target mean strength of concrete mix, knowing the required characteristics strength and allowable defective rate.
The type of cement and aggregate are needed to determine the mix strength when the free water/cement ratio is 0.5. Then, using the target mean strength and the strength value we determined previously, we can then find the free water/cement ratio required for our mix design.
Then, based on the required slump value and aggregate properties, we can determine the cement content.
From the relative density of aggregate, we can estimate the wet density of concrete mix, which lead us to the proportion of aggregate needed in our mix.
Subsequently, we determine the proportion of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate.