1mW SW012

1mW Sewerage Design to MSIG (012)

Disinfection Tank

Before discharging the effluent to water body, disinfection is conducted to eliminate the bacteria present in it. The most common disinfection measure is chlorination, where either solid or liquid hypochlorite is added. The dosage of hypochlorite is limited between 6mg/L and 10mg/L. The rate of dosage is depending on various factors, such as the amount of suspended solid and ammonia in the effluent. 
Other than chemical disinfection, radiation disinfection may be used. This method makes use of ultra-violate radiation to stimulate photobiochemical changes within bacteria. Ozonation and maturation ponds are less common options for disinfection that usually associated with higher cost.
When continuous disinfection is conducted, all methods are acceptable. For the case of intermittent disinfection, only liquid hypochlorite is permitted.

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