1mW Sewerage Design to MSIG (013)
Sludge Holding Tank
Excessive sludge from clarifier is transferred to sludge holding tank for further treatment prior to disposal. First, sludge thickening takes place, where the solid content in sludge is increased simply by removing the liquid. To do so, physical process such as gravity settling is needed to accumulate the solids.
Bacteria are present in the sludge, and they can further consume the organic matters. By allowing this, the sludge is stabilized, and the risk of putrefaction after ultimate disposal reduces. 20 cumec of air per 1000 cumec of tank volume is diffused into the wastewater every minute, to keep the bacteria alive and fulfill their duty.
The sludge is retained in the facility for 30 days, for thickening and digestion to take place.