ASTM C128 outlines standard procedures for the determination of specific gravity and absorption capacity of fine aggregate.
1. Balance
2. Pycnometer
3. Oven
Approximately 500g
of fine aggregate.
1. Dry the sample
in oven to constant mass at temperature of 110±5°C, then cool in air at room
temperature until the sample reaches comfortable handling temperature i.e.
2. Immerse the
sample in water, or add minimum 6% moisture to the sample for 24±4 hours.
3. Pour out the
excessive water while avoiding the loss of fines. Spread the sample on a flat
non-absorbent surface and expose it to gently moving current of warm air. Stir
frequently to ensure the drying process is carried out homogeneously. Continue
until the sample is near free-flowing condition, and dry until the sample
reaches surface-dry condition. The sample is now in saturated surface dry (SSD)
4. Weigh the
sample and record it as A (g).
5. Partially fill
the pycnometer with wate, then add in about 500g of sample. Fill the apparatus
with additional water to approximately 90% of capacity.
6. Roll, invert or
agitate the pycnometer to remove all visible air bubbles.
7. Bring the water
level in the pycnometer to calibrated capacity. Weigh the pycnometer + sample +
water and record it as B (g).
8. Remove the
sample from pycnometer. Dry the sample in oven to constant mass at temperature
of 110±5°C, then cool in air at room temperature for 1±0.5 hours.
9. Weigh the
sample and record it as C (g).
10. Fill the
pycnometer with water to its calibrated capacity. Weight the pycnometer + water
and record it as D (g).
1. Specific
gravity (oven dry) = C/(D+A-B)
2. Specific
gravity (SSD) = A/(D+A-B)
3. Apparent
specific gravity = C/(D+C-B)