Concrete Ball Penetration Test

ASTM C360 outlines standard procedures for the determination of concrete consistency using ball penetration test.


1. Ball penetration apparatus

2. Wood float


Freshly mixed concrete with minimum depth is at least three times the maximum aggregate size, while not less than 200mm in a pan or wheelbarrow. The distance between the centreline of handle to the nearest edge shall not be less than 225mm.


1. Smoothen and level the concrete surface using wood float.

2. Set the base of the ball penetration apparatus on the surface with handle in vertical position.

3. Lower the weight to the surface of concrete and release slowly.

4. Measure the penetration depth after the weight has come to rest. Round the measurement to nearest 5mm and record it as penetration value (mm).

5. It is advisable to take minimum three readings and take the average. If the difference between the maximum and minimum readings exceed 25mm, take more measurement until such difference for three consecutive readings is within 25mm.

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