ASTM C29 outlines standard procedures for the determination of unit weight and voids in aggregate.
1. Balance
2. Tamping rod
(16mm dia. x 600mm length)
3. Cylindrical
metal measure (capacity ≥ 14L for coarse aggregate ≤ 37.5mm, or 2.8L for fine
Aggregate dried to
constant weight, preferably in an oven at 110±5°C.
1. Determine the
empty weight of metal measure.
2. Fill the metal
measure 1/3 full with dry sample and level the surface with fingers.
3. Rod the layer
of aggregate with 25 evenly distributed strokes over the surface using tamping
4. Fill the
remaining space with sample and rod again as in step 3.
5. Fill the
measure to overflowing and rod again as in step 3.
6. Level the
surface of aggregate with finger until the slight projection of larger pieces
of coarse aggregate is almost balance the larger voids present under the
7. Determine the
weight of measure with aggregate, then calculate the net weight of aggregate by
subtracting the weight of empty measure. Record it as A (g).
1. Bulk density
(unit weight), M = A/V