Design 90m sewer pipe that meant to carry 120,000PE. The start and end nodes invert level are controlled at 1.00m and 0.90m respectively.
- Determine peak flow factor by referring to cl.2.1.14(II) MSIG Vol. 3.
- Calculate the design flow by multiplying peak flow factor to design PE, which equals to 225L/s.
- Determine the gradient of pipeline by dividing pipe length using invert level difference.
- Set sewer pipe diameter, subjected to the minimum of 225mm, as stated in cl.2.1.17, MSIG Vol. 3.
- Determine the pipe material.
- Determine Hazen-Williams coefficient based on Table 2.4, MSIG Vol. 3.
- Calculate full pipe flow velocity using Hazen-Williams equation, referring to cl.2.1.17(3), MSIG Vol. 3.
- Determine Manning's coefficient based on Table 2.3, MSIG Vol. 3, for the best and worst conditions.
- Calculate full pipe flow velocity using Manning's equation, referring to cl.2.1.17(2), MSIG Vol. 3 for both conditions.
- Determine roughness coefficient based on Table 2.1a & Table 2.2, MSIG Vol. 3, for the best and worst conditions.
- Calculate full pipe flow velocity using Colebrook-White equation, referring to cl.2.1.17(1), MSIG Vol. 3 for both conditions.
- Calculate full pipe capacity by multiplying pipe cross sectional area to full pipe flow velocity.
- Check whether the velocity through sewer pipe lies between 0.8m/s to 4.0m/s, which is the acceptable range based on cl.2.1.15(I) and cl.2.1.17, MSIG Vol. 3.
- Calculate the design flow to pipe capacity ratio.