Design a water pipe that meant to carry 2MLPD of water demand and 3 nos. of fire flow. Use peak flow factor 1.2 (for incoming main).
- Calculate the design peak flow by multiplying peak flow factor to water demand.
- Calculate total fire flow by multiplying the number of fire flow to 300gpm (approximately 1,963,911lpd). Then, calculate the design fire flow by adding the water demand to total fire flow.
- Determine the pipe material, referring to cl.B4.1(B), SPAN-UTG.
- Set water pipe diameter. Identify the internal diameter of pipe based on relevant standard or catalogue.
- Determine Hazen-Williams coefficient based on Table B.7, SPAN-UTG.
- Calculate full pipe flow velocity using Hazen-Williams equation for both conditions i.e. peak flow and fire flow.
- Check whether the velocity through water pipe lies between 0.3m/s to 2.0m/s, which is the acceptable range based on cl.B4.1-C(iv), SPAN-UTG.
- Calculate headloss through pipe using Hazen-Williams headloss equation for both conditions. Then, convert the unit calculated headloss to m/km.
- Check whether the headloss gradient through water pipe is less than 2m/km for peak flow, or 15m/km for fire flow, as per cl.B4.1-C(i) & (ii), SPAN-UTG.
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