Design a grade 45 reinforced concrete wall section subjected to 12500kN axial force and 6500kNm of bending moment about x-x axis. The dimension of wall is 200mm x 4000mm and cover to reinforcement is 20mm.
- Arrange the reinforcement in wall.
- Select the interested axis (x-x or y-y). Arbitrarily set a neutral axis.
- Determine the strain developed in every rebar.
- From the strain, determine the axial resistance deployed by every rebar.
- Based on the depth to neutral axis, determine the area of concrete subjected to compression.
- Determine the axial resistance contributed by concrete.
- Determine total axial resistance of wall by summing the contribution from rebar and concrete.
- Determine the moment resistance provided by rebar.
- Determine the moment resistance provided by concrete.
- Determine total bending moment resistance of wall by summing the contribution from rebar and concrete.
- Plot the resultant axial and bending moment resistance on interaction curve.
- Set another neutral axis, then repeat step 3 to 11.
- Plot the design axial force and bending moment on the same axis with the interaction curve.
- Evaluate the design by inspecting whether the plotted point lies within the envelope of interaction curve.
- Review the arrangement of reinforcement if the wall design is inadequate.